| Estuary Restoration |
| Mainstems-Primary Restoration |
| Mainstems- Secondary Restoration |
| Rural Streams-Primary Restoration |
| Rural Streams-Secondary Restoration |
| Urban Stream Restoration |
| Headwaters - Primary Restoration |
| Headwaters - Secondary Restoration |
| Headwaters - Secondary Protection |
| Headwaters - Restoration Above Falls and Dams |
| headwaters - Protection Above Natural Barriers |
| Airport/Seaport |
| Heavy Industrial |
| Institutional Uses (Hospital, Campus) |
| Intensively Developed Military |
| Commercial/Office |
| Mixed Use |
| Light Industrial |
| Public |
| Rights of Way (Public and Other) |
| Active Open Space and Recreation |
| Tribal Lands |
| Low Density Urban Residential (1.1-3 Units/Acre) |
| Traditional Single Family And Planned Neighborhood Residential (3.1-12 Units/Acre) |
| Residential (12+ Units/Acre) |
| Urban Edge (1 unit per acre up to 1 unit per 4.9 acres) |
| Rural Transition (1 unit per 5 acres to 1 unit per 9.9 acres) |
| Large Lot Residential (1 unit per 10 acres to 1 unit per 19.9 acres) |
| Very Large Lot Residential (1 unit per 20 acres or more) |
| Agricultural Area |
| Other Forest Lands |
| National Forest |
| Natural Preservation and Conservation |
| Primary Mineral Area |
| Undesignated |
| Undeveloped Military Lands |