Description: This layer represents the results of an Ecological Integrity Assessment Conceptual Model developed by DNR. Ecological integrity is the ability of an ecosystem to support and maintain a suite of organisms within species composition, diversity, and function comparable to similar systems in an undisturbed state. The conceptual model ranks the ecological integrity of landscape units based upon the ecological condition and level of human disturbance. The output can be used to prioritize restoration and conservation targets. This layer looks at upland vegetation groups as identified by the U.S. National Vegetation Classification.
Description: This layer represents the results of an Ecological Integrity Assessment Conceptual Model developed by DNR. Ecological integrity is the ability of an ecosystem to support and maintain a suite of organisms within species composition, diversity, and function comparable to similar systems in an undisturbed state. The conceptual model ranks the ecological integrity of landscape units based upon the ecological condition and level of human disturbance. The output can be used to prioritize restoration and conservation targets. This layer looks at wetlands as identified by the National Wetlands Inventory.
Description: Actual Evapotranspiration is the actual quantity of water that is removed from the surface of plants and soil through the processes of evaporation and plant transpiration. High levels of evapotranspiration can indicate faster plant growth. Hence, actual evapotranspiration data is a good proxy for sequestration potential and may indicate opportunities to mitigate for climate change. Actual evapotranspiration also indicates areas of the landscape where tree growth may impact groundwater.
Description: Washington State's Current Water Quality Assessment (WQA) is produced in the Environmental Protection Agency's "Integrated Report" format. The WQA consists of both the 303(d) List and the 305(b) Report. The 303(d) List is comprised of only Category 5 listings. The EPA has determined that the freshwater 303(d) listings in the Current Assessment fulfill Washington State's requirement to submit an updated list of impaired freshwaters in 2012 since Washington State's 2012 Water Quality Assessment contained both marine and freshwater listings, but updated only the marine 303(d) listings. The 305(b) Report lists all waters and all categories. The Current WQA is presented on the 1:24k National Hydrography Dataset (NHD).
Service Item Id: 40fa20da40264315bb492c0152a4532b
Copyright Text: US Environmental Protection Agency and Washington State Dept of Ecology
Description: Washington State's Current Water Quality Assessment (WQA) is produced in the Environmental Protection Agency's "Integrated Report" format. The WQA consists of both the 303(d) List and the 305(b) Report. The 303(d) List is comprised of only Category 5 listings. The EPA has determined that the freshwater 303(d) listings in the Current Assessment fulfill Washington State's requirement to submit an updated list of impaired freshwaters in 2012 since Washington State's 2012 Water Quality Assessment contained both marine and freshwater listings, but updated only the marine 303(d) listings. The 305(b) Report lists all waters and all categories. The Current WQA is presented on the 1:24k National Hydrography Dataset (NHD).
Service Item Id: 40fa20da40264315bb492c0152a4532b
Copyright Text: US Environmental Protection Agency and Washington State Dept of Ecology
Description: DNR, in coordination with The Nature Conservancy and Davey Consulting, conducted an assessment of land cover and priority planting locations for 77 communities in the Puget Sound Urban Growth Area and 7 other unincorporated areas across three counties: King, Pierce, and Snohomish. Data sources were sought across the board to analyze a variety of factors that can contribute to accessing tree canopy needs. Analysis included data sets from some cities in the Puget Sound area, US Department of Agriculture, and US Census Bureau. The resulting analysis found plantable areas in both public and private properties across the city.
Description: Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIA) for Washington State at 1:24,000 scale. WRIAs were formalized under WAC 173-500-040 and authorized under the Water Resources Act of 1971, RCW 90.54. Ecology was given the responsibility for the development and management of these administrative and planning boundaries. These boundaries represent the administrative under pinning of this agency's business activities. The original WRIA boundary agreements and judgments were reached jointly by Washington's natural resource agencies (Ecology, Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife) in 1970.
Service Item Id: 40fa20da40264315bb492c0152a4532b
Copyright Text: Washington Department of Ecology, Washington Department of Natural Resources
Description: The fish passage culverts layer stores locations and describes physical properties of these culverts on DNR roads in Washington State. Additionally, information is provide if the culvert has anadromous or resident fish presence. Fish barrier information is also provided. The culvert injunction status is also identified.Inspection of these culverts are entered into the fish passage inspection (ROPA.CULVERT_FISH_PASS_INSPEC) table.This layer is used for forest roads management supporting the following: - Culvert Infrastructure Planning and Maintenance - FP and RMAP Compliance Reporting - Road Maps - Forest Management - Timber Sales - Analysis for decision makers - Long-term documentation.
Service Item Id: 40fa20da40264315bb492c0152a4532b
Copyright Text: Washington State Department of Natural Resources (WADNR)
type: esriFieldTypeSingle, alias: Culvert Fill Depth (ft)
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Culvert Streambed
, Coded Values:
[10: 10: No Bed Material in Culvert]
, [20: 20: Bed Material Throughout Culvert Length]
, [30: 30: Partial Bed Material in Culvert]
, ...1 more...
type: esriFieldTypeSmallInteger, alias: Road Control
, Coded Values:
[10: 10: WA DNR - Department of Natural Resources]
, [11: 11: WA DOT - Department of Transportation]
, [12: 12: WA DFW - Department of Fish and Wildlife]
, ...12 more...
Description: This data set shows the projected increase in water balance deficit in order to capture the projected changes in climate that will exacerbate forest health problems. Water balance deficit is a measure of moisture stress that plants face and thus constrains where different plant species can grow. Increases in deficit elevate fire behavior and make forests more susceptible to insect and disease outbreaks. Deficit was calculated at 90m pixel resolution for the 1981-2010 and 2041-2070 time period (ensemble of global circulation models under the R8.5 “business as usual” emissions scenario). Climate data and climate projections from Climate North America were used.
Description: NorWeST summer stream temperature scenarios were developed for all rivers and streams in the western U.S. from the > 20,000 stream sites in the NorWeST database where mean August stream temperatures were recorded. This layer contains Scenario 1, modeled stream temperature from 1993-2011. Other attributes and model results are availalbe for download on the Modeled Stream Temperature Scenario Maps page.The NorWeST scenarios include: 1) Adobe PDF format maps depicting historical and future modeled mean August stream temperatures, 2) graphs (JPG format) demonstrating the accuracy of the temperature model, and 3) GIS shapefiles (SHP format) representing the spatially modeled stream temperatures. Those shapefiles were used to create this ArcGIS online service.The GIS shapefiles include stream lines and associated mid-points representing 1 kilometer intervals along the stream network. Stream lines were derived from the 1:100,000 scale NHDPlus dataset (USEPA and USGS 2010; McKay et al. 2012). Shapefile extents correspond to NorWeST processing units, which generally relate to 6 digit (3rd code) hydrologic unit codes (HUCs) or in some instances closely correspond to state borders. The line and point shapefiles contain identical modeled stream temperature results. The two shapefile formats are meant to complement one another for use in different applications. In addition, spatial and temporal covariates used to generate the modeled temperatures are included in the shapefile attribute tables. The NorWeST NHDPlusV1 processing units include: Salmon, Clearwater, Spokoot, Missouri Headwaters, Snake-Bear, MidSnake, MidColumbia, Oregon Coast, South-Central Oregon, Upper Columbia-Yakima, Washington Coast, Upper Yellowstone-Bighorn, Upper Missouri-Marias, and Upper Green-North Platte. The NorWeST NHDPlusV2 processing units include: Lahontan Basin, Northern California-Coastal Klamath, Utah, Coastal California, Central California, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Black Hills.
Service Item Id: 40fa20da40264315bb492c0152a4532b
Copyright Text: Funding for this project was provided by USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. Funding was also provided by the Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative (GNLCC) and North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative (NPLCC) with additional funds and in-kind support from the USDA Forest Service (USFS), US Geological Survey (USGS), US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), California Fish Passage Forum, and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Description: The Forests to Faucets dataset provides a watershed index of surface drinking water importance, a watershed index of forest importance to surface drinking water, and a watershed index to highlight the extent to which development, fire, and insects and disease threaten forests important for surface drinking water. The Forests to Faucets layer does not cover Alaska, Hawaii, or US Territories. This dataset was created using the 2001 National Landcover Dataset and 2005 housing development estimates. For updated forest and development statistics, please refer to the 2015 Forests on the Edge dataset.
Service Item Id: 40fa20da40264315bb492c0152a4532b
Copyright Text: USDA Forest Service, State and Private Forestry, Washington Office