Name: Generalized Eelgrass Polygons
Display Field: site_code
Type: Feature Layer
Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon
Description: Polygons represent general area where eelgrass has been recorded over the 2000-2020 monitoring period at each site sampled. The polygon for each site is based on the individual polygons used for surveying each year. These polygons should not be interpreted as areas of continuous eelgrass beds.
Service Item Id: b0825cdbe67349b8b42f898361a3bb43
Copyright Text: Washington Department of Natural Resources
Default Visibility: false
MaxRecordCount: 2000
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Min Scale: 200000
Max Scale: 0
Supports Advanced Queries: true
Supports Statistics: true
Has Labels: false
Can Modify Layer: true
Can Scale Symbols: false
Use Standardized Queries: true
Supports Datum Transformation: true
XMin: 665030.9294272211
YMin: 649409.139947549
XMax: 1220896.38757598
YMax: 1341866.76159121
Spatial Reference: 2927
Drawing Info:
Simple Renderer:
Symbol: Style: esriSFSSolid
Color: [129, 230, 203, 255]
Label: N/A
Description: N/A
Transparency: 0
Labeling Info:
Advanced Query Capabilities:
Supports Statistics: true
Supports OrderBy: true
Supports Distinct: true
Supports Pagination: true
Supports TrueCurve: true
Supports Returning Query Extent: true
Supports Query With Distance: true
Supports Sql Expression: true
Supports Query With ResultType: false
Supports Returning Geometry Centroid: false
Supports Binning LOD: false
Supports Query With LOD Spatial Reference: false
Supports Percentile Statistics: true
Supports Having Clause: true
Supports Count Distinct: true
Supports Time Relation: true
Supports Sql Format: false
Supports Query Analytic: true
Supports Query With Current User: true
HasZ: false
HasM: false
Has Attachments: false
HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText
Type ID Field: null
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: SHAPE.AREA
type: esriFieldTypeDouble, alias: SHAPE.LEN
type: esriFieldTypeOID, alias: OBJECTID
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: site_code, length: 8
type: esriFieldTypeInteger, alias: ORIG_FID
type: esriFieldTypeGeometry, alias: SHAPE
Supported Operations:
Query Attachments
Query Analytic
Generate Renderer
Return Updates