Folds (0)
| Anticline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate |
| Anticline—Identity and existence certain, location concealed |
| Anticline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate, points in direction of plunge |
| Anticline—Identity and existence certain, location concealed, points in direction of plunge |
| Overturned anticline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Beds on one limb are overturned; arrows show dip direction of limbs |
| Overturned anticline—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Beds on one limb are overturned; arrows show dip direction of limbs |
| Syncline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate |
| Syncline—Identity and existence certain, location concealed |
| Syncline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate, points in direction of plunge |
| Syncline—Identity and existence certain, location concealed, points in direction of plunge |
| Overturned syncline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Beds on one limb are overturned; arrows show dip direction of limbs |
| Overturned syncline—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Beds on one limb are overturned; arrows show dip direction of limbs |
| Overturned syncline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Beds on one limb are overturned; arrows show dip direction of limbs, points in direction of plunge |
| Monocline, anticlinal bend—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Arrows show direction of dip; shorter arrow on steeper limb |
| Monocline, anticlinal bend —Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Arrows show direction of dip; shorter arrow on steeper limb |
| Monocline, synclinal bend—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Arrows show direction of dip; shorter arrow on steeper limb |
| Monocline, synclinal bend—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Arrows show direction of dip; shorter arrow on steeper limb |
Faults (1)
| Thrust fault—Identity and existence certain, location inferred. Sawteeth on upper (tectonically higher) plate |
| Strike-slip fault, left-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location inferred. Arrows show relative motion |
| Normal fault—Identity or existence questionable, location accurate. Bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Oblique-slip fault, normal left-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Arrows show relative motion; bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Thrust fault—Identity and existence certain, location approximate. Sawteeth on upper (tectonically higher) plate |
| Fault, unknown offset—Identity or existence questionable, location accurate |
| Reverse fault—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Rectangles on upthrown block |
| Low-angle normal fault—Identity or existence questionable, location accurate. Half-circles on downthrown block |
| Normal fault—Identity and existence certain, location approximate. Bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Oblique-slip fault, normal right-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Arrows show relative motion; bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Oblique-slip fault, normal right-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Arrows show relative motion; bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Strike‑slip fault, right-lateral offset— Identity and existence certain, location inferred. Arrows show relative motion |
| Thrust fault—Identity or existence questionable, location accurate. Sawteeth on upper (tectonically higher) plate |
| Fault, unknown offset—Identity and existence certain, location approximate |
| Fault, unknown offset—Identity and existence certain, location inferred |
| Normal fault—Identity and existence certain, location inferred. Bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Strike-slip fault, left-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Arrows show relative motion |
| Low-angle normal fault—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Half-circles on downthrown block |
| Strike‑slip fault, right-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Arrows show relative motion |
| Low-angle normal fault—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Half-circles on downthrown block |
| Strike-slip fault, left-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Arrows show relative motion |
| Strike‑slip fault, right-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Arrows show relative motion |
| Thrust fault—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Sawteeth on upper (tectonically higher) plate |
| Thrust fault—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Sawteeth on upper (tectonically higher) plate |
| Normal fault—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Fault , unknown offset—Identity and existence certain, location concealed |
| Normal fault—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Fault, unknown offset—Identity and existence certain, location accurate |
Contacts (2)
| Contact—Identity and existence certain, location accurate |
| Modern or present-day glacial ice boundary |
| Shoreline—Showing open water |
| Map Boundary |
| Scratch boundary |
Map Units (3)
| Qd, Holocene dune sand |
| Qa, Quaternary alluvium |
| Qls, Quaternary mass-wasting deposits |
| Ql, Quaternary loess |
| Qf, Pleistocene outburst-flood deposits |
| Qgd, Pleistocene continental glacial drift |
| Qad, Pleistocene alpine glacial drift |
| QTc, Quaternary–Tertiary continental sedimentary rocks and deposits |
| Tc, Tertiary continental sedimentary rocks |
| MZc, Mesozoic continental sedimentary rocks |
| Tn, Tertiary nearshore sedimentary rocks |
| MZn, Mesozoic nearshore sedimentary rocks |
| Tm, Tertiary marine sedimentary rocks |
| MZm, Mesozoic marine sedimentary rocks |
| Qv, Quaternary volcanic rocks |
| QTv, Quaternary–Tertiary volcanic rocks |
| Tv(cr), Tertiary volcanic rocks, Columbia River Basalt Group |
| Tv, Tertiary volcanic rocks |
| Tv(c), Tertiary volcanic rocks, Crescent Formation |
| MZv, Mesozoic volcanic rocks |
| Qvt, Quaternary fragmental volcanic rocks and deposits (includes lahars) |
| Tvt, Tertiary fragmental volcanic rocks |
| Qi, Quaternary intrusive rocks |
| QTi, Quaternary–Tertiary intrusive rocks |
| Ti, Tertiary intrusive rocks |
| TKi, Tertiary–Cretaceous intrusive rocks |
| MZi, Mesozoic intrusive rocks |
| PZi, Paleozoic intrusive rocks |
| pCi, Precambrian intrusive rocks |
| MZPZu, Mesozoic–Paleozoic ultramafic rocks |
| MZms, Mesozoic metasedimentary rocks |
| PZms, Paleozoic metasedimentary rocks |
| PZpCms, Paleozoic–Precambrian metasedimentary rocks |
| pCms, Precambrian metasedimentary rocks |
| MZmt, Mesozoic metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks |
| MZPZmt, Mesozoic–Paleozoic metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks |
| PZmt, Paleozoic metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks |
| MZmv, Mesozoic metavolcanic rocks |
| PZmv, Paleozoic metavolcanic rocks |
| pCmv, Precambrian metavolcanic rocks |
| MZhm, Mesozoic heterogeneous metamorphic rocks |
| MZPZhm, Mesozoic–Paleozoic heterogeneous metamorphic rocks |
| pChm, Precambrian heterogeneous metamorphic rocks |
| MZam, Mesozoic amphibolite |
| MZPZam, Mesozoic–Paleozoic amphibolite |
| TKgn, Tertiary–Cretaceous gneiss |
| MZgn, Mesozoic gneiss |
| PZgn, Paleozoic gneiss |
| TKog, Tertiary–Cretaceous orthogneiss |
| MZog, Mesozoic orthogneiss |
| MZmi, Mesozoic migmatite and mixed metamorphic and igneous rocks |
| tz, Tectonic zones; areas of intense cataclasis, including mylonitization |
| Glacier and ice fields |
| Water |