| Syncline—Identity and existence certain, location approximate, points in direction of plunge |
| Overturned syncline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Beds on one limb are overturned; arrows show dip direction of limbs, points in direction of plunge |
| Overturned anticline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Beds on one limb are overturned; arrows show dip direction of limbs, points in direction of plunge |
| Anticline—Identity and existence certain, location approximate, points in direction of plunge |
| Monocline, anticlinal bend—Identity and existence certain, location approximate. Arrows show direction of dip; shorter arrow on steeper limb |
| Overturned anticline—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Beds on one limb are overturned; arrows show dip direction of limbs |
| Overturned syncline—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Beds on one limb are overturned; arrows show dip direction of limbs |
| Syncline—Identity and existence certain, location concealed, points in direction of plunge |
| Overturned anticline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Beds on one limb are overturned; arrows show dip direction of limbs |
| Overturned syncline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Beds on one limb are overturned; arrows show dip direction of limbs |
| Anticline—Identity and existence certain, location concealed, points in direction of plunge |
| Anticline—Identity and existence certain, location approximate |
| Syncline—Identity and existence certain, location approximate |
| Syncline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate, points in direction of plunge |
| Monocline, anticlinal bend —Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Arrows show direction of dip; shorter arrow on steeper limb |
| Monocline, synclinal bend—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Arrows show direction of dip; shorter arrow on steeper limb |
| Monocline, synclinal bend—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Arrows show direction of dip; shorter arrow on steeper limb |
| Monocline, anticlinal bend—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Arrows show direction of dip; shorter arrow on steeper limb |
| Anticline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate, points in direction of plunge |
| Syncline—Identity and existence certain, location concealed |
| Anticline—Identity and existence certain, location concealed |
| Syncline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate |
| Anticline—Identity and existence certain, location accurate |
| Fault , unknown offset—Identity and existence certain, location concealed |
| Fault, unknown offset—Identity and existence certain, location accurate |
| Fault, unknown offset—Identity and existence certain, location approximate |
| Fault, unknown offset—Identity and existence certain, location inferred |
| Fault, unknown offset—Identity or existence questionable, location accurate |
| Fracture—Identity and existence certain, location accurate |
| Low-angle normal fault—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Half-circles on downthrown block |
| Low-angle normal fault—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Half-circles on downthrown block |
| Low-angle normal fault—Identity or existence questionable, location accurate. Half-circles on downthrown block |
| Normal fault—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Normal fault—Identity and existence certain, location approximate. Bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Normal fault—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Normal fault—Identity and existence certain, location inferred. Bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Normal fault—Identity or existence questionable, location accurate. Bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Oblique-slip fault, normal left-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Arrows show relative motion; bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Oblique-slip fault, normal right-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Arrows show relative motion; bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Oblique-slip fault, normal right-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Arrows show relative motion; bar and ball on downthrown block |
| Reverse fault—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Rectangles on upthrown block |
| Strike-slip fault, left-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Arrows show relative motion |
| Strike-slip fault, left-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Arrows show relative motion |
| Strike-slip fault, left-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location inferred. Arrows show relative motion |
| Strike‑slip fault, right-lateral offset— Identity and existence certain, location inferred. Arrows show relative motion |
| Strike‑slip fault, right-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Arrows show relative motion |
| Strike‑slip fault, right-lateral offset—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Arrows show relative motion |
| Thrust fault—Identity and existence certain, location accurate. Sawteeth on upper (tectonically higher) plate |
| Thrust fault—Identity and existence certain, location approximate. Sawteeth on upper (tectonically higher) plate |
| Thrust fault—Identity and existence certain, location concealed. Sawteeth on upper (tectonically higher) plate |
| Thrust fault—Identity and existence certain, location inferred. Sawteeth on upper (tectonically higher) plate |
| Thrust fault—Identity or existence questionable, location accurate. Sawteeth on upper (tectonically higher) plate |
| Quaternary alluvium, dune sand, loess, and modified land |
| Quaternary beach, continental sedimentary, lacustrine, fluvial, mass-wasting, terraced sedimentary, and peat deposits |
| Pleistocene Bonneville flood deposits |
| Quaternary sedimentary deposits or rocks, undivided |
| Quaternary alluvium, older (includes alluvial fans and talus) |
| Pleistocene glacial drift, alpine, Fraser-age |
| Pleistocene (Fraser-age) continental glacial drift, outburst flood deposits, and glaciolacustrine deposits |
| Pleistocene glacial drift, alpine, pre-Fraser |
| Pleistocene glacial drift, continental, pre-Fraser |
| Quaternary–Pliocene and Pliocene continental sedimentary deposits or rocks |
| Pliocene–Miocene continental sedimentary deposits or rocks and mass-wasting deposits |
| Miocene continental sedimentary rocks |
| Miocene–Eocene continental sedimentary rocks |
| Eocene continental sedimentary rocks |
| Older Eocene continental sedimentary rocks |
| Tertiary–Cretaceous continental sedimentary rocks |
| Cretaceous continental sedimentary rocks |
| Lower Cretaceous continental sedimentary rocks, conglomerate |
| Devonian continental sedimentary rocks, conglomerate |
| Pliocene–Miocene nearshore sedimentary rocks |
| Miocene nearshore sedimentary rocks |
| Oligocene–Eocene nearshore sedimentary rocks |
| Eocene nearshore sedimentary rocks |
| Cretaceous nearshore sedimentary rocks |
| Miocene marine sedimentary rocks |
| Miocene to Eocene marine sedimentary rocks |
| Eocene marine sedimentary rocks |
| Older Eocene marine sedimentary rocks |
| Upper Cretaceous marine sedimentary rocks |
| Lower Cretaceous marine sedimentary rocks |
| Paleocene–Cretaceous volcanic and sedimentary rocks, undivided |
| Jurassic–Permian volcanic and sedimentary rocks |
| Quaternary lava flows |
| Pleistocene–Pliocene and Pliocene lava flows |
| Miocene lava flows |
| Miocene Saddle Mountains Basalt |
| Miocene Saddle Mountains Basalt, invasive |
| Miocene Wanapum Basalt |
| Miocene Grande Ronde Basalt |
| Miocene Grande Ronde Basalt, invasive |
| Miocene Imnaha Basalt |
| Miocene–Oligocene and Oligocene lava flows |
| Oligocene–Eocene and younger Eocene lava flows |
| Eocene lava flows |
| Eocene basalt flows, Crescent Formation |
| Quaternary fragmental volcanic rocks or deposits |
| Pliocene tuffs and tuff breccias |
| Miocene fragmental volcanic rocks or deposits |
| Miocene–Oligocene and Oligocene fragmental volcanic rocks |
| Oligocene–Eocene and Eocene fragmental volcanic rocks |
| Eocene fragmental volcanic rocks |
| Quaternary intrusive igneous rocks |
| Pleistocene–Pliocene and Pliocene to Miocene intrusive igneous rocks |
| Miocene–Oligocene and Oligocene intrusive igneous rocks |
| Oligocene–Eocene and Eocene intrusive igneous rocks |
| Paleocene intrusive igneous rocks |
| Tertiary–Cretaceous intrusive igneous rocks |
| Pre-Tertiary ultrabasic (ultramafic) rocks |
| Cretaceous intrusive igneous rocks |
| Mesozoic intrusive igneous rocks |
| Mesozoic and Paleozoic intrusive igneous rocks |
| Middle-upper Proterozoic basic (mafic) intrusive rocks |
| Pre-Tertiary metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks |
| Pre-Tertiary marble |
| Cretaceous metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks, undivided |
| Cretaceous–Jurassic sedimentary, metasedimentary, volcanic, and metavolcanic rocks |
| Pre-Cretaceous–Devonian metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks |
| Pre-Jurassic to middle Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks |
| Triassic–Permian metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks |
| Mesozoic schist |
| Permian and pre-Permian metasedimentary rocks |
| Permian–Devonian metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks |
| Carboniferous–Devonian metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks |
| Carboniferous–Ordovician metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks |
| Devonian and Silurian metasedimentary rocks |
| Ordovician metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks |
| Ordovician–Cambrian metacarbonate |
| Cambrian metasedimentary rocks |
| Cambrian–upper Proterozoic quartzite |
| Upper Proterozoic metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks |
| Middle Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks |
| Middle Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks |
| Middle Proterozoic metasedimentary rocks |
| Paleocene orthogneiss |
| Tertiary–Cretaceous banded gneiss |
| Tertiary–Cretaceous orthogneiss and mixed metamorphic and igneous rocks |
| Pre-Tertiary metamorphic rocks |
| Cretaceous metamorphic rocks |
| Cretaceous orthogneiss and migmatite |
| Cretaceous–Jurassic and Jurassic metamorphic rocks |
| Triassic heterogeneous metamorphic rocks |
| Triassic orthogneiss |
| Triassic–Permian metamorphic rocks (high and low? grade) |
| Mesozoic orthogneiss and migmatite |
| Mesozoic to Paleozoic metamorphic rocks |
| Pre-Devonian gneiss |
| Precambrian metamorphic rocks |
| Precambrian metasedimentary rocks |
| Water |
| Ice |
| Features in Oregon, geology not shown |
| Tectonic zone |